DDUSY Arunachal Pradesh - Self-Employment Scheme for Unemployed Youth

The Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh launched Deen Dayal Upadhyay Swalamban Yojana under which a loan will be provided to youth to set up business. A loan amount ranging from 10 lacs to 1 crore(not including cost of land) will be provided by the banks. 

A subsidy of 30% of the loan amount will be provided on interest by the government for timely repayment of loan amount. If any women entrepreneur apply for the scheme she will be provided extra 5% interest subsidy annually. 

The DDUSY will be implement in every district of Arunachal Pradesh through Deputy Commissioners of that district. The preference for the loan will be given to business who wist to work in agriculture, textile, dairy, handicrafts or tourism.


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