Prime Minister’s Janaushadi Yojana Project start in Uttar Pardesh

Under an agreement between the Uttar Pradesh Government and the Central Government, the efforts of the common people in the state are being made to promote high quality generic drugs at affordable rates. MOUs were signed to implement the Prime Minister’s Janaushadi Yojana Project. The function was inaugurated by Health Minister Siddhartha Nath Singh, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers Mansukh L Mandaviya and Minister of State, Dr. Mahendra Singh. In addition, the website of the scheme was also launched during the PMBJP website Highlights.

On this occasion, Health Minister Siddhartha Nath Singh said that efforts are being made to fight the deadly diseases in the state. The government is serious about swine flu.

Health Minister said that so far only 13 deaths were due to swine flu. The government is making efforts to fight other diseases. The government is constantly working to improve health services.


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